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Getting Started

API endpoint

Browserku API endpoint:



Authentication is optional, calling our API without an API key will subject you to a rate limit of 30 request per day, check out Rate Limit for more.

Once registered, you can find your API key in the dashboard.

To use the API key when making requests, you need to add the following header to your request:

X-Api-Key: <your-api-key>

Alternatively you can set API key in the query parameters like this: ?apiKey=<your-api-key>.

JavaScript SDK

Our JavaScript SDK is a convenient wrapper based on fetch for our API.

If you're using Node.js, you can install it via npm:

npm install browserku

And then use it in your code:

import { Browserku } from 'browserku'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'

const browserku = new Browserku({
  apiKey: '<optional-api-key>',

The fetch option is optional, whe omitted it will try to use globalThis.fetch if it exists, you can provide your own fetch implementation like here we use node-fetch.

If you're using Deno, use it like this:

import { Browserku } from ''

const browserku = new Browserku({
  apiKey: '<optional-api-key>',

Deno has globalThis.fetch implemented so you don't have to pass the fetch option.